Hi, I guess you thought, that there will be no more FS Logbook Editor update. It has been over a year since last news… Well, I thought that too. But still had some ideas what to add, just not much time. And here we are, some time was spared here and there and there is another update, hurray….I hope so 🙂
So, what is new, changed? I am going to paste here a slightly edited lines form the Help file, as I am lazy to write it again…
One change is in User aircraft categories, every category has now a checkbox for multi-engine and a selection of aircraft type. These options define whether the category contains multi-engine aircraft and what aircraft type are the aircraft within the category.
Also, every aircraft within the category has those options too. The category defines those values for all aircraft within the category, but you can override it for specific aircraft within the category. These information than can be used during import from FsHub, from MSFS and/or when loading LittleNavMap CSV file.

A support for reading and writing LittleNavMap CSV file has been added. So logbook data can be imported/exported between FS Logbook Editor and LittleNavMap. The implementation of this feature also led to the usage of 3rd party library for working with CSV files, leading to slight rewrite of code for loading / saving logbook from/to regular CSV file.
Another bigger change is that FS Logbook Editor is no longer limited to display just one flight on the map. Now you can select any amount of flights in the logbook table view and click on View on map button. All selected flights will be displayed in slightly different map viewer window, where you can select between them. The selected one gets highlighted, but you still also see all other flights.

Then there are some smaller additions, like added formal support for Prepar3D v6 and X-Plane 12, even thought previous FS Logbook Editor versions could open their logbook files without problem, as they did not change.
You can read about all the changes in the CHANGELOG. Also, checkout the update documentation:
As always, you can download and test the new DEMO version at FS Logbook Editor page.