PC Creations


Computers are one of my hobby and so far helps me to make money to buy a bread. I use them daily. Maybe too much, but what is not done on computers these days? This whole website has been created on computer. The creation of my stories and comics with Spejbl and Hurvínek (which you can see only in Czech section) also utilized computers. So did rest of the content. Simply saying, seems there is no way to escape that monitor radiation.

The stories with Spejbl and Hurvínek practically started my “PC creations”. Later, as I gained more experience, I also strayed for computer graphics and programming.The stories with Spejbl and Hurvínek practically started my “PC creations”. Later, as I gained some experience, computer graphics and programming added for story writing. You may have encountered some of my “graphics” around here.

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Aside from programming websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript I also dealt with Assembler, C++, Java and Ruby On Rails. I used those technologies mainly at secondary and high school. Now-days, my Assembler and C++ skills are a little outdated.


As probably much others of my peers, I also suffered computer gaming. But more on that on this page.

Some of my creations, that I eventually finished, you will find at this page sub-pages or under PC Creations category.