OFP Cool Studio

As you could have read at page PC Creations  -> Computer Games Related , among the games I was long interested by was also Operation Flashpoint from czech development studio of Bohemia Interactive.

This game was outstanding at the time. And not only by what it offered, but also by user modding capabilities. The long time I spent with the game allowed me to look under the hood and learn something from used technologies. The result was a set of programs whose goal was to facilitate development of custom missions and/or new add-ons for the game. I named this set of programs an OFP Cool Studio. The whole “studio” was programmed in Visual Basic 6 at 2002.

OFP Cool Studio includes following programs:

  • OFP Cool Studio Integrator – launcher menu for other applications
  • OFP Cool Editor 3.0 – the biggest program that will help with mission or campaign creation
  • OFP Addon Editor 1.0 – this program helps with add-ons creation to the game
  • OFP Launcher 1.0 –  to launch Operation Flashpoint with certain parameters
  • OFP Cool Editor – PBO Utility 1.2 – to work with PBO files (game archives)
  • In Addons Searcher 1.0 – to search within add-ons

Supported languages are: Czech, English
Supported operating systems: windows_logo_small Windows


Program is packaged within installer that will help you with installation process.


Download the program using following link:

Known issues

Visual Basic 6 is long time overcame and even at its times there were some issues with its components. Installation folder contains archive named Known problems.zip where standart problems and their solutions that may have arisen are described. However, these problems were a question of old Windows 98 – XP. Now-days, they should not have exert.

At Windows Vista and newer you may face following error messages when trying to launch OFP Cool Editor 3.0:

To solve this problem, just delete msvcrt.dll file from the folder where the program is installed (for example: C:\Program Files\OFP Cool Studio).


On the pictures below you can see how individual programs looks like:

By now, Operation Flashpoint is more than ten years old and has some popular sequels. Placing the program here on the web is than a form of archiving if it be anyone was ever interested again. So far, the program was available at popular czech Operation Flashpoint fan page  – http://ofp.gamepark.cz for all these years. For that reason, do not expect any support here.