Half of the year passed, Christmas time is here and so is another FS Logbook Editor update. Well, I know lot of you would really like to read within the next lines that it brings compatibility with Microsoft Flight Simulator, but unfortunately, that is a longer run to go…
But one obstacle have been overcome. Pete and John Dowson released new version of MakeRwys, which supports reading Microsoft Flight Simulator bgl files, so also FS Logbook Editor can build airport database from MSFS airports data (since it does so with FSX/Prepar3D). New airport data provider was added for MSFS and FS Logbook Editor can also find the installation on the hard drive. So clicking the Find Simulators button should bring it to your list of simulators. Accessing the logbook, however, not resolved yet 🙁

Apart from that, version 1.70 is mainly bug fixes release. I did not want to hold the release for time when I have some way for accessing the MSFS logbook, or recording the flight data, as I don’t know how long will that take.
Java version used changed again. This time from version 11 to the latest one – 15. Don’t worry, 32 bit and 64 bit JRE is included with FS Logbook Editor, so it should mean no change to you, users. I decided to upgrade again for better compatibility with future Windows… as I found out that version 11 had issues with positioning and resizing windows in high-resolution monitors which had scaling turned on. It is kind of connected with what previous version tried to improve… and the repositioning and resizing program windows to the saved values could behaved really weird (like windows being bigger after each program session… ), was kind of hard to workaround these issues. But I believe, with Java 15 and improved code for resizing and positioning windows, these issues should be eliminated (or minimized). The code now also checks, during restoring window position and size, if the window does not spawn outside the bounds of the monitor, is not bigger than the display area or does not overlap from one monitor to another. It will not allow any of these.
JasperReports have some fixes. It was not possible to compile templates that contained date/time functions. This was due to some missing dependencies. They are no longer missing :)… thus, it is possible to compile the templates. Also, now it is possible to export reports to the very popular document format – PDF.
Some issues were found and fixes in the Settings dialog. First, it was not possible to down-size it on some small screens. It si now much more flexible in resizing 🙂 Scroll bars will appear when the dialog cannot display whole settings section. Second fix is that when the dialog was closed via the X button in the right top corner, the changes you may have made in the settings were not stored.
Not many of you will notice that, maybe nobody, but FS Logbook Editor will now store it’s application data in the “<user documents folder>/FS Logbook Editor” folder if it has no write access to the folder where it is installed.
The calendar component has been tweaked so that it does react to Look and Feel change and shows the selection of date on the correct position even if the record dialog is not on the main display.
As always, some minor bugs, missing translations and stuff like that, encountered during the development of new features and bugs, has been fixed.