Mouseviator Private Island scenery for FSX and Prepar3D

30.10.2020 – Have first version for Microsoft Flight Simulator, see here. Introduction Hi, Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a private island with small airport? Well, if you are something like me (and probably most of Continue reading Mouseviator Private Island scenery for FSX and Prepar3D

VFD Čelákovice repaint for Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter Extended

Couple words for introduction 27.9.2022 – This repaint was ported also to Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Hi, in this post, you can download a free fictional repaint of VFD Čelákovice for Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter Extended Continue reading VFD Čelákovice repaint for Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter Extended

VFD Čelákovice repaint for A2A Cessna 172

Couple words for introduction Hi, in this post, you can download a free fictional repaint of VFD Čelákovice for Cessna 172 Trainer aircraft developed by A2A Simulations. Four variants in total are available. There are two country variants, one with Continue reading VFD Čelákovice repaint for A2A Cessna 172