All Classes
Class | Description |
AircraftHelper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about flight simulator.
AircraftHelper.EngineType |
This enumeration defines engine types supported by FSUIPC, which can be returned by
AircraftHelper.getEngineType() function. |
ByteArrayRequest |
This class implements byte array data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
ByteRequest |
This class implements byte data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
COM1Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather/set various data
from/to flight simulator COM1 radio.
COM2Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather/set various data
from/to flight simulator COM2 radio.
DataRequest |
This is a base abstract class for FSUIPC data request.
DoubleRequest |
This class implements double data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
Engine1Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about aircraft engine number 1.
Engine2Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about aircraft engine number 2.
Engine3Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about aircraft engine number 3.
Engine4Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about aircraft engine number 4.
FloatRequest |
This class implements short data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
FSControlRequest |
This class implements special data request to send any FS control to flight simulator.
General description
FSUIPCWrapper |
Wrapper class for fsuipc_java64.dll and fsuipc_java32.dll libraries.
FSUIPCWrapper.FSUIPCResult |
An enumeration of known result codes, that can be returned by calls to, int, byte[]) , FSUIPCWrapper.write(int, int, byte[]) ,
FSUIPCWrapper.process() . |
FSUIPCWrapper.FSUIPCSimVersion |
An enumeration of known FSUIPC sim versions for passing as parameter to function. |
FSUIPCWrapper.LogSeverity |
An enumeration of logging severity that can be used in
FSUIPCWrapper.setupLogging(boolean, byte) function. |
GearHelper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about aircraft gear.
GPSHelper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various data
from flight simulator GPS.
IDataRequest<DataType> |
This interface is used by many functions in
FSUIPC class. |
IDataRequest.RequestType |
This enumeration defines the possible types of data request.
IFSUIPCListener |
This interface to be implemented to receive notifications from
FSUIPC library. |
IntRequest |
This class implements integer data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
IReadOnlyRequest<DataType> |
This interface extends the
IDataRequest interface and should be used when implementing data request,
that is read only, as it provides default implementation of IDataRequest.setValue(java.lang.Object) function, which causes
exception every once called. |
IWriteOnlyRequest<DataType> |
This interface extends the
IDataRequest interface and should be used when implementing data request,
that is write only, as it provides default implementation of IDataRequest.getValue() function, which causes
exception every once called. |
LongRequest |
This class implements long data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
LuaHelper |
This class implements a helper to manipulate Lua scripts using FSUIPC.
LuaHelper.LuaControlRequest |
This class implements Lua control request.
LuaHelper.LuaControlRequestCommand |
An enumeration representing a command for
LuaHelper.LuaControlRequest . |
LuaHelper.LuaParamRequest |
This class implements lua parameter request.
LuaHelper.LuaResult |
A class representing a result for lua control helper functions in the class
LuaHelper . |
LVarHelper |
This class implements a helper to manipulate LVars using FSUIPC.
LVarHelper.ByteLVarReadRequest |
This class implements LVar read (read-only) request.
LVarHelper.ByteLVarWriteRequest |
This class implements LVar write (write-only) request.
LVarHelper.DoubleLVarReadRequest |
This class implements LVar read (read-only) request.
LVarHelper.DoubleLVarWriteRequest |
This class implements LVar write (write-only) request.
LVarHelper.FloatLVarReadRequest |
This class implements LVar read (read-only) request.
LVarHelper.FloatLVarWriteRequest |
This class implements LVar write (write-only) request.
LVarHelper.IntegerLVarReadRequest |
This class implements LVar read (read-only) request.
LVarHelper.IntegerLVarWriteRequest |
This class implements LVar write (write-only) request.
LVarHelper.LVarControlRequest |
This class implements Lvar control offset.
LVarHelper.LVarControlRequestCommand |
An enumeration representing a command for
LVarHelper.LVarControlRequest . |
LVarHelper.LVarParamRequest |
This class implements Lvar parameter request.
LVarHelper.LVarResult |
A class representing a result fo many Lvar helper functions in the class
LVarHelper . |
LVarHelper.LVarValueFormat |
An enumeration specifying a value format for LVar read and write functions.
LVarHelper.ShortLVarReadRequest |
This class implements LVar read (read-only) request.
LVarHelper.ShortLVarWriteRequest |
This class implements LVar write (write-only) request.
MacroHelper |
This class implements a helper to execute FSUIPC macros using FSUIPC.
MacroHelper.MacroExecuteRequest |
This class implements macro execute request.
MacroHelper.MacroParamRequest |
This class implements macro parameter request.
MacroHelper.MacroResult |
A class representing a result fo macro execute helper functions in the class
MacroHelper . |
NAV1Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather/set various data
from/to flight simulator NAV1 radio.
NAV2Helper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather/set various data
from/to flight simulator NAV2 radio.
NavRadioHelper |
This abstract class contains methods/functions - ie.
NavRadioHelper.ToFromFlag |
An enumeration of possible return values for data request to obtain
To/From flag indication.
RadioHelper |
This class implements an abstract class with functionality common to COM and NAV radios.
ShortRequest |
This class implements short data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
SimHelper |
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info
about flight simulator.
StringRequest |
This class implements string data request for use with
FSUIPC class. |
StringRequest.ValueRetrieveMethod |
This enumeration defines values retrieve method that will be used by
StringRequest.getValue() method. |