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addContinualRequest(IDataRequest) - Method in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.FSUIPC
This method will add data request to the continual requests array.
addListener(IFSUIPCListener) - Method in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.FSUIPC
This will add listener.
addOneTimeRequest(IDataRequest) - Method in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.FSUIPC
This method will add data request to the one-time requests array.This array will be emptied once successfully processed via the FSUIPC.processRequestsOnce() function.
AircraftHelper - Class in com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.aircraft
This class provides methods that return data requests to gather various info about flight simulator.
AircraftHelper() - Constructor for class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.aircraft.AircraftHelper
AircraftHelper.EngineType - Enum in com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.aircraft
This enumeration defines engine types supported by FSUIPC, which can be returned by AircraftHelper.getEngineType() function.
allocate(int) - Method in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.datarequest.primitives.StringRequest
This function will allocate the internat byte data buffer to specified size, creating new buffer, thus, throwing away any data that this data request held before.
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