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throttleLeverOffset - Variable in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.aircraft.Engine1Helper
TO - com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.avionics.NavRadioHelper.ToFromFlag
To indication
TO_FIRST_ZERO_BYTE - com.mouseviator.fsuipc.datarequest.primitives.StringRequest.ValueRetrieveMethod
Retrieve the content of underlying byte buffer up to first zero byte when converting it to String.
ToFromFlagOffset - Variable in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.avionics.NavRadioHelper
TRACE - com.mouseviator.fsuipc.FSUIPCWrapper.LogSeverity
TURBOPROP - com.mouseviator.fsuipc.helpers.aircraft.AircraftHelper.EngineType
Turboprop engine type
type - Variable in class com.mouseviator.fsuipc.datarequest.DataRequest
Data request type, default to read
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