Class FSControlRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDataRequest<java.lang.Integer>, IWriteOnlyRequest<java.lang.Integer>

public class FSControlRequest
extends DataRequest
implements IWriteOnlyRequest<java.lang.Integer>
This class implements special data request to send any FS control to flight simulator. This works via the 0x3110 FSUIPC offset. You do not need to specify this offset, it is set by default. Use the setControl(int) method to specify which control to send, and the setValue(java.lang.Integer) method to set any control parameter.
  • Constructor Details

    • FSControlRequest

      public FSControlRequest​(int control)
      Creates a new FS control data request associated with given FS control.
      control - A FS control to be sent by this data request.
    • FSControlRequest

      public FSControlRequest​(int control, int value)
      Creates a new FS control data request associated with given FS control.
      control - A FS control to be sent by this data request.
      value - A value to be sent along with the control.
  • Method Details

    • setControl

      public void setControl​(int control)
      Sets the FS control to be sent by this data request.
      control - A FS control to be sent by this data request.
    • setValue

      public void setValue​(java.lang.Integer value)
      Description copied from interface: IDataRequest
      Sets the value to be stored in the byte data buffer of this data request.
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface IDataRequest<java.lang.Integer>
      value - The value to store.