Class RadioHelper

Direct Known Subclasses:
COM1Helper, COM2Helper, NavRadioHelper

public abstract class RadioHelper
extends java.lang.Object
This class implements an abstract class with functionality common to COM and NAV radios. Classes implementing helpers for the COM/NAV radios should use it as a base for the common functionality, as to read/write frequencies...
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    protected int frequencyOffset  
    protected byte frequencySwapValue  
    protected int standbyFrequencyOffset  
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    FloatRequest getFrequency()
    Returns data request to get/set active radio frequency.
    FloatRequest getStandByFrequency()
    Returns data request to get/set standby radio frequency.
    IDataRequest<java.lang.Byte> swapFrequencies()
    Returns request to swap active/standby radio frequency.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • frequencyOffset

      protected int frequencyOffset
    • standbyFrequencyOffset

      protected int standbyFrequencyOffset
    • frequencySwapValue

      protected byte frequencySwapValue
  • Constructor Details

    • RadioHelper

      public RadioHelper()
  • Method Details

    • getFrequency

      public FloatRequest getFrequency()
      Returns data request to get/set active radio frequency. Note that this request will not support 8.33 Khz range - so the resulting frequency will have 3 digits in units and 2 digits in decimals, like 123.45 frequency. This is important when writing the frequency! The data request will not check for the validity of the frequency value, it expects it will be like this. And if not, unexpected behavior may occur. You can get/set the frequency with this data request. Note that the returned object will be READ request by default. To make it write request, call its IDataRequest.setType(com.mouseviator.fsuipc.datarequest.IDataRequest.RequestType) method with parameter IDataRequest.RequestType.WRITE.
      Data request to get/set active radio frequency.
    • getStandByFrequency

      public FloatRequest getStandByFrequency()
      Returns data request to get/set standby radio frequency. Note that this request will not support 8.33 Khz range - so the resulting frequency will have 3 digits in units and 2 digits in decimals, like 123.45 frequency. This is important when writing the frequency! The data request will not check for the validity of the frequency value, it expects it will be like this. And if not, unexpected behavior may occur. You can get/set the frequency with this data request. Note that the returned object will be READ request by default. To make it write request, call its IDataRequest.setType(com.mouseviator.fsuipc.datarequest.IDataRequest.RequestType) method with parameter IDataRequest.RequestType.WRITE.
      Data request to get/set standby radio frequency.
    • swapFrequencies

      public IDataRequest<java.lang.Byte> swapFrequencies()
      Returns request to swap active/standby radio frequency. The request will be WRITE ONLY!
      Data request to toggle between active and standby frequency.