Interface IReadOnlyRequest<DataType>

Type Parameters:
DataType - The data type of this data request, such as Byte, Short...
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
LVarHelper.ByteLVarReadRequest, LVarHelper.DoubleLVarReadRequest, LVarHelper.FloatLVarReadRequest, LVarHelper.IntegerLVarReadRequest, LVarHelper.ShortLVarReadRequest

public interface IReadOnlyRequest<DataType>
extends IDataRequest<DataType>
This interface extends the IDataRequest interface and should be used when implementing data request, that is read only, as it provides default implementation of IDataRequest.setValue(java.lang.Object) function, which causes exception every once called.
  • Method Details

    • setValue

      default void setValue​(DataType value)
      This is default implementation for read-only data request. Calling this will cause an exception!
      Specified by:
      setValue in interface IDataRequest<DataType>
      value - A value to set to be stored within this data request.